Port Sunlight River Park will be holdiing a Bioblitz on 26th and 27th May
On Friday 26th there will be an opportunity for recorders to record and also there will be several school visits. There will be a bat walk and moth trapping planned that evening and mammal traps overnight. On Saturday there will be several walks, as well as seeing how successful the moth traps have been. Hilary Ash is leading a wildflower walk at 10.30am. There is an Family fun nature walk planned in the afternoon from 1.30-3pm.
Record are involved and other organisations will have stalls with family friendly activities.
As it’s a new site we lack records in many groups so it’s an opportunity both to fill some gaps and to involve the local community.
The next planning meeting is on Tuesday 2nd May at 2pm in the site office.
There will be an induction for recorders on Monday 22nd May, meeting at 6.30pm in the car park.
Please contact Anne Litherland – the Park Ranger for more information or with any queries?
T: 07587 550060