Small-spotted Catshark (a.k.a. Lesser Spotted Dogfish) Scyliorhinus canicula
Atlantic Mackerel Scomber scombrus
Fantastic day Shark-tagging with the Liverpool Bay Marine Life Trust – unfortunately we didn’t catch any of the Shark species we were hoping to tag (Tope, Common or Starry Smooth Hound) but had lots more besides…
Thornback Ray Raja clavata
Grey Gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus
Lesser Weever Fish Echiichthys vipera
Bull Huss (a.k.a. Nursehound, Greater Spotted Dogfish) Scyliorhinus stellaris
Red Gurnard Aspitrigla cuculus
Northern Fulmar
Cetacean’s seen included Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena and Bottle-nosed Dolphin Tursiops truncatus. Also great birding with Storm Petrel, Manx Shearwater, Gannet, a Bonxie, Fulmar, Puffin, Guillemot, Med Gull etc. Full report in this years forthcoming MNA newsletter 🙂