New Brighton, once a popular seaside resort, became run-down in the 1960s and 1970s. As part of regeneration work it has become the venue for open-air street art, centring on Victoria Street near the station. We spent the morning touring the residential streets, looking at the marvellous murals.
They love the children’s driftwood pirate ship, the Black Pearl here, and someone has crocheted a Post Box topper of it. Notice the shark fin!
We didn’t look at much wildlife today. On the front, a group of Starlings were closely attending some Pigeons, which were trying to break into plastic rubbish bags.
Since they built the Wild Shore waterpark on the Marine Lake there have been far fewer waders sheltering on the pontoons, and today there were just five Redshanks and three Turnstones amongst the Black-headed Gulls.
On the seafront there was a cold north wind and the threat of rain so we headed home.
Public transport details: Train from Central at 10.20, arriving New Brighton 10.42. Returned on bus 433 from King’s Parade / Morrisons at 2.10, arriving Liverpool 2.45,